Online registration has closed. Contact Minister Janet Henley if you are interested in registering for a class.
Connection Point Classes
BELIEVE: The Ten Basic Practices of the Faith.
Begins January 26, 2020 / (11 weeks)
Book Cost: $16.
In the Fall of 2018, we studied part one of the book, BELIEVE, by Randy Frazee, which instructed us on the ten key beliefs of the Christian faith. In the Winter/Spring session of 2020, we return to study part two, which will instruct participants on the ten key spiritual practices of the Christian faith. While part one answered the question, “What should I believe?,” part two answers the question, “What should I do?” Let’s continue the journey toward what we BELIEVE . . .
Just Show Up (Seniors Edition)
Begins January 26, 2020 / (10 weeks)
Cost: $0.00 ( NKJV Bible required)
A space for the reading of Scripture in community as advocated by Small Groups. “In 1 Timothy 4:13, Paul encourages us to devote ourselves to the public reading of Scripture. After the Israelites escaped slavery and when they entered the Promised Land, they came together to hear God’s law. In Deuteronomy, God commands that the entire law be read every seven years for all the Israelites to hear. Even in the New Testament, we find Jesus reading Scripture aloud in the synagogue.” This “reading” takes place in a classroom by way of listening and following along in your Bible to the audio reading of the text. It is a space to hear again the story of God and to hear it together. We will start in the book of Matthew.
Real Talk
Begins January 26, 2020 / (12 weeks)
Book Cost: $5.
Where the Bible meets life! Eighteen to Twenty-nine year old young adults are being invited to gather in two age appropriate spaces (ages 18-21/22; ages 22/23-29) to discuss God and the times in which we live under the topic of “Honoring God.” (Topics change quarterly,)
Direction, getting to where God is leading you!
Begins January 26, 2020 / (12 weeks)
Book Cost: $5.
Adults ages 30 to 39 can gather to engage in thought-provoking and action-centered Bible study. You will learn the biblical historical truth and seek to see it in contemporary history and/or apply it to the present day. (Topics change quarterly)
“Widow for a Season: Finding Your Identity in Christ”
Begins January 26, 2020 / (12 weeks)
Book Cost, $10.
The first study to be offered in this series and is for widows only. The book by the same title is written by a widow for widows and will be led by widows. The chapters in the book are grouped in four parts: Season of Singleness; Season of Strength; Season of Sufficiency and; Season of Surrender. (Also, see information on Weekend Retreat for Widows at Sandy Cove)
Faith Foundations
Begins January 26, 2020 / (10 weeks)
Book Cost, $5.
Participants learn the foundational truths about their relationship with Christ and how to practice the spiritual disciplines that are necessary to experience intimacy and growth in their relationship with Christ. Class for new believers, believers who are new to Bible study, or mature believers who want to learn how to help ground believers in their relationship with Christ.
Training Point Classes
The Teacher’s Training and Enrichment Tract -
Transformational Teaching - Teaching That Changes Things
(For enrollment see Minister Henley)
Saturdays, 10 a.m. to noon, monthly sessions beginning February 8, 2020
Books Cost: $55.
When persons encounter the Word, in any delivery format, whether reading it themselves or listening to it being taught or preached, change should be being set in motion in the hearts of the hearers, then in their lives, the impact of which has its best expression as it flows to the hearts and lives of others. This teacher training series is for novice, emerging, and seasoned teachers who wish to be used of the Spirit to usher in the transformation that students crave and the Lord requires and society needs. Teachers will spend the 2020 Christian education year answering the following questions: Why do we teach?—the motivation for teaching; What do we teach?—the content of your teaching; Who does the teaching?—Me or the Spirit or both; Who do we teach?—getting to know our learners; How do we teach?—preparing and planning for life changing experiences. The study begins with two soul care sessions, with the teachers asking and answering the question, “Where are you?”
The Prayer Warrior’s Tract -
The Content of Our Prayers.
On-Campus, Wednesdays, 7:30 to 9:00 p.m., beginning January 29, 2020
Book Cost: $12.
When you pray, does it ever feel like you’re just saying the same old things about the same old things? Offering the encouragement and practical advice we’re all looking for, Dr. Donald Whitney, in his book, Praying the Bible, outlines an easy-to-grasp method that has the power to transform our prayer life: praying the words of Scripture. This study will prove invaluable as you seek to commune with your heavenly Father in prayer each and every day. (8 weeks)
Prayer as Lifestyle.
Virtual Study, Thursdays, 7 to 8:30 p.m., beginning January 30, 2020
Book Cost, $10
In his book, Falling in Love with God: Reflections on Prayer, Dr. J. Alfred Smith, Sr., enables readers to develop a prayerful lifestyle of daily walking with God in all aspects of their busy lives. This book also shows how church leaders and members can move away from a prayer ritual and from “spiritual burn-out” to a living and loving relationship with God. (13 weeks)